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Saturday 7 September 2013

ANP ruined KPK Education: Professor's heart-breaking email to Imran Khan

These days, we often hear on TV & social media how ANP stood for education in KPK & how TTP destroyed schools in KPK / FATA. Fair enough but most people outside KPK don't know or realize how ANP itself destroyed KPK education - not through bombs but through the deadly weapon of 'Easy Load'.
As one digs more and more into the mess created over the last five years in KPK, one wonders who harmed KPK education sector more - TTP or ANP?
TTP physically destroyed schools and stopped kids from going to school - something that can be reversed with funding & reconstruction. However, what ANP did is more horrible. They structurally destroyed the KPK education sector - by institutionalizing corruption - making education a joke & indirectly depriving the kids of whatever they deserved at school / college / university i.e 'Learning'. Can this 'system destruction' be reversed? Well not any time soon, sadly.
Below is reproduced an email sent by a KPK Professor to Imran Khan asking him to take notice of what ANP did to KPK education last 5 years.
Heart wept while reading this saga - wept for the Pashtun brothers, sisters & kids whose future has been destroyed through institutionalized corruption and malpractices. Will PTI be able to reverse it? Lets hope & pray they do because this will be a great feat for which we Pashtuns will always be grateful to Imran Khan and his team. If, however, they fail - they should be ready to face extinction from Pashtun lands.
Lets get to the email now. Some sections of the email that could identify the Professor who wrote the email have been withheld, for his safety & security. So, here we go:
(Location hidden)
                                                                                                       August 13, 2013
Dear Imran Khan,
I hope you’ll be feeling well. (Few lines Hidden). Unfortunately, neither any government in Pakistan in the past has considered education as a vital means for change in the termite eaten society nor has attached any special significance with it and given it preference to systematize any betterment through it. Usually those who have no knowledge of the true spirit of education are placed in the department or those bureaucrats who lost their authenticity and validity in other departments are placed here. Without education, no state and society has ever shown drastic change and development in it and it lagged behind in the race of progress in almost all walks of life. The sector of education in our country, especially, Khyber Pukhtunkhwa is full of corruption.
I can cite the example of Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan. More than 20 billion rupees are spent in the jurisdiction of Government Postgraduate College Mardan, a temporary campus of Abdul- Wali Khan University Mardan which is to be vacated in a year or so because this college was handed over to the administration of Abdul- Wali Khan University Mardan merely for five year period. Better the University authorities could have spent this big amount of money on the construction of the University in the land purchased for it. But they preferred to spend it in the temporary campuses to earn money as soon as possible. Second, these expenses will give them opportunities to earn more money in the construction for second time.  The double expenses: one in the temporary campus of Govt Postgraduate College Mardan and the second on the construction in the actual campus of the University show the satanic trap of corruption. Second, thousands of employees are hired in the violation of law and standing rules and regulations and violation of the University Act and at least 25 writ petitions have been filed against Abdul-Wali Khan University Mardan in the Peshawar High Court.
 Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan is at the top in corruption because it opened three campuses in Mardan, one in Dir, one in Bunner, one in Swabi, one in Chitral, one in Pabbi, one in Charsadda in primary schools, technical centers and parts of colleges which is not more than a fun. The main objective was not education and research but the appointment of employees, especially from grade 1-16, without giving any advertisement in different dailies, the posts were on sale and the VC earned a lot of money through it.
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Secretary Higher Education and Secretary Finance Khyber Pukhtunkhwa allocated finances at least 520 million rupees, in 52 months, from public exchequer to Govt Postgraduate College Mardan through it had been declared as a constituent college of Abdul-Wali Khan University Mardan and was no more a government college of the Higher Education Department Khyber Pukhtunkhwa. This amount of money was allocated in the violation of finance rules.
(Few lines hidden)
The selection process of the employees is in the violation of the University Act. Nepotism and favoritism is crystal clear in the selection. Three to Six persons are employed from one and the same family. (Line hidden). Majority of these employees are the workers of ANP & PPP. The University has been changed into the center of ANP & PPP. The provincial Govt of PTI in Khyber Pukhtunkhwa has not yet taken any notice in this regard. Who will take care of it?  It is becoming a test- instalment for your party Govt in KP. The poor & helpless people are simply looking to you (Lines hidden).
Moreover the former Govt of Khyber Pukhtunkhwa threatened education due to favoritism and nepotism. Mostly the junior most and less experienced persons were placed against the senior posts which encouraged party politics in the education sector. In this regard many examples can be cited.
1)      The teachers of Peshawar University belonging to the Friends Group (an off-shoot of ANP in University of Peshawar) were placed as VCs in different Universities.  For example, University of Peshawar,  Bacha Khan University Charsadda,  Abdul-Wali  Khan University Mardan, Kohat University of Science & Technology, Kohat,  University of Swabi, University of Malakand, University of Swat  & University of Haripur.
2)       Raza Shah, a relative of Asfandiar Wali khan is placed as CPO in Higher Education Department.
3)       Himayat-ullah a relative of Asfandiar Wali khan was placed as Chairman BISE Abbottabad, then Chairman BISE Mardan and now working as Chairman Khyber Pukhtunkhwa Textbook Board Peshawar.
4)      A number of junior employees in BPS 19 but favorites of the former provincial Govt were posted against senior posts as Chairmen, the posts of BPS 20, in BISE Peshawar, BISE Mardan, BISE Malakand, BISE Swat, BISE DI Khan, BISE Kohat, BISE Bannu and BISE Abbottabad and these Boards have become centers of corruption.
5)      People having no concern with the field of education were placed in the Secretariat of Higher Education Department.
6)      An Associate Professor of Pak studies in University of Peshawar namely Fazli Rahim Marwat was placed as Chairman Khyber Pukhtunkhwa Textbook Board Peshawar and VC Bacha Khan University of Charsadda at the same time.
     I humbly request you to look into the matter and direct the Provincial Government of your party in Khyber Pukhtunkhwa to order and ensure a thorough inquiry in this regard by extremely sound and judicious persons so that the corruption done in Abdul-Wali Khan University Mardan is found out, eliminated and those who have done it are brought to the book and merit and fair play is ensured which is the dire need of society where a sound and fair Government works. Those believing in fairness, merit, talent and justice will greatly appreciate it and will become the initiation of fair politics, the service of humanity in the true spirit (Line hidden).
With best wishes,
Yours Sincerely.
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