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Sunday 6 October 2013

2 Foods Quietly Destroying Your Metabolism

Ever wondered how some people can eat practically anything and not put on a pound?
These people have an optimally functioning metabolism – one that assimilates foods efficiently, without storing ugly, stubborn belly fat.
Unfortunately though, according to the Center for Disease Control, the majority of the American Adult population is metabolically-challenged. 69.2% are overweight. 35.9% are considered medically obese1
The Real Reason the Majority of America is Overweight

According to Dr. Jonny Bowden, certified nutritionist and creator of the weight loss program Unleash Your Thin, one big reason the majority of America is overweight is because certain items in the food supply are silently destroying our metabolisms – forcing people to unknowingly pack on pound after pound of dangerous, unhealthy fat.
2 Foods That Destroy Your Metabolism
Just open your refrigerator and odds are you’ll find this one common, sickeningly sweet ingredient in almost every item: High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS).
Made from corn, the problem with this pervasive sweetener is, according to Dr Bowden,it is one of the most addictive foods you can consume. The damage done is immediate. It spikes your blood sugar unnaturally, forcing your body to secrete the fat-storing hormone insulin, which forces your body to pack on difficult-to-shed belly fat. 
If you’re overweight and plagued by sugar cravings, chances are you’re addicted to HFCS. The good news is Dr. Bowden has a proven way to eliminate these cravings.
The second metabolism-destroying food is gluten. You’ll find it in all sorts of grain-based foods. As you’ve probably noticed, these foods are addictive, cause gluten sensitivity, pack on fat and create digestive problems. What’s the solution?
Unleash Your Thin

After attainingmultiple degrees and licenses in nutrition, health and psychology, as well as researchingover 150 diets, Dr. Bowden came to a controversial conclusion: Willpower is not the key factorin losing weight. It only reinforces the inevitable feelings of failure, having you pack on even more fat afterwards. 
So if willpower doesn’t work, what does? 
Based upon science andhundreds of thousands who’ve experienced significant fat loss, Dr. Bowden developed Unleash Your Thin – a breakthrough program that unleashes the power of foods to achieve dramatic fat loss as well as an abundance of energy, good health and beauty. 
Unleash Your Thin quickly retrains your metabolism, flipping ON your ‘fat-burning furnace’. Dr. Bowden is so confident that you will see results, there’s even a 100% money-back guarantee: Start burning stubborn, ugly belly fat as soon as tomorrow or you don’t pay.
Dr. Jonny Bowden

What Dr. Bowden discovered is you don’t need willpower, fads, pills, surgery, or sprinkles to burn the fat easily. All you need is Unleash Your Thinto show you specifically what to delicious foods to eat. Dr. Bowden confidence in your success is obvious. He currently has a results-or-else special offer- a 60-day, money-back guarantee, allowing you to receive a full refund if you’re unsatisfied for any reason. 
Click here for Dr. Bowden’s special offer and more information on this unique, results-based weight loss program.

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