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Tuesday 17 September 2013

Justice For Sumbal

Justice For Sumbal
Mehwish Nisar
14th September, 2013

Domestic Violence in Pakistan is an endemic social problem. According to a study carried out in 2009 by Human Rights Watch, it is estimated that between 70 to 90% of women in Pakistan have suffered some form of abuse. The majority of victims of violence have no legal recourse. Law enforcement authorities do not view violence as a crime and usually refuse to register any cases brought to them. Given the very few women's shelters in the country, victims have limited ability to escape from violent situations.
While statistics are few and far between, according to a November report by the "Awaz Foundation Centre for Development", as many as 2,713 cases of violence against women have been reported in 15 districts of southern Punjab since January 2012, giving some measure of the scale of the issue.
Rape is a curse which is rising in Pakistan. According to a report by the National Commission on status of women (NCSW) in 2003 “an estimated 80% of women” in jail were there as because they had failed to prove rape charges and consequently convicted of adultery. Rape in Pakistan came to international attention after "Mukhtaraan Bibi" (Mukhtara Mai), the victim of a politically sanctioned gang rape, charged her attackers with rape and spoke out about her experiences.
Few days ago, in Badin 11 men raped a disabled girl who couldn’t walk and talk. There are thousands of examples exist in our society. Yesterday a five year old girl was abducted and sexually assaulted and was dumped outside the Ganga Ram Hospital in a semi-conscious state.
Later the girl was transferred to the Services Hospital where she remained in critical condition for several hoursSumbal who is a victim of rape gains consciousness in service hospital Lahore. Following the crime, neighbours gathered at the house of the five year old, while her father said that she could not say anything because of fear. Her mother cried out for the criminals to be held accountable. Rapists have made her life a “living hell” to pay for something which was not her mistake.
Following the crime, neighbors gathered at the house of the five year old, while her father said that she could not say anything because of fear. Her mother cried out for the criminals to be held accountable.
This inhuman act committed to the innocent child was a slap on the face of whole society. There should be zero tolerance for child abuse and child molesters in society. Rape should be redefined as an act of terrorism, they are the real terroristsThe rapist should be charged under the ATC. Humanity seems to be a very small word for this disgusting, heinous, barbaric and vicious crime. They deserve nothing less than maximum penalty. Culprits should be hanged till death in publicly to set an example for other people. Those who committed such a heinous act must be given fearsome punishment publicly. This is the only way to curb this menace.
But unfortunately In Pakistan, the rule of law has been become a joke, humanity has no chance to protect it. Our government needs to reform criminal justice system in the country to avert such incidents. Because when we allow these rapists to go without vigilant enquiry and punishment then it means we allow whole society to be diminished. Rape should me classified under anti-terror laws. Rape laws and punishments need to be updated. Honest and competent police is needed to ensure the proper enforcement of law. Illiteracy is a major cause behind this menace. Proper training and awareness campaign should be started at all levels to eradicate this tumor from society.
Rape and other sexual assaults are signs of profoundly frustrated society. Rape has become such a controversial topic. Today everyone has a question. Can we have justice for Sumbal?  Does she need four witnesses as according to Hudood Ordinance, to testify that rape occurred and to prove that she is a victim of rape? Will the death penalty ever been implemented in Pakistan for the rapist? If our kids are not safe in our streets then forget about the rest of Pakistani society?  Is our future secured in Pakistan?
We claim to be the followers of Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) who is Rehmat UL Aalameen , Who gave women respect and proper rights in the  society. However, our claim is for naught, as a society, we are negating his teachings, then how can we claim to be His followers?
Humanity is not so common in humans anymore. I feel pity for those who are not raising their voice against these vicious crimes. How as human beings can we remain silent spectators to this humiliation of fellow humans? Being a human raise your voice otherwise you can be the next victim.

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