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Tuesday 20 August 2013

Egypt | Tears Of Blood

The recent brutal events that took place in Rabiah Al-Adwiyyah Egypt are simply heartrending. Images of unarmed protesters being shot at point blank range, being murdered in cold blood are an embodiment of western ideals of ‘tolerance’, ‘human rights’, ‘freedom of expression’ and yes, wait for rant of: ‘the good old democracy’!
‘The innocent, peaceful protesters were especially targeted, they were shot at temples, hearts and heads,’ says Sami-ul-Haq, Deputy Director of JI’s Foreign Affairs Department. These corpses are not mere dead bodies; these are the over fantasized western ideals, it’s only now that these abstract values have become tangible for eyes to behold and hearts to hearken.
This is the promised ‘lived happily ever after’ ending of the liberal tale which has been told to us over and over again by the remnants of colonial powers. The legacy of colonial oppression, subjugation and brutality is being carried out by their proteges in Muslim World, from Bangladesh to Egypt. Massacres at peaceful protests of Jama’t-e-Islami Bangladesh are a well documented fact. To their credit, liberals at least have a fair idea about the amount of blood that West can stomach and the right sound bites West needs to hear in order to garner the tacit approval of their demonic ‘Lords’ sitting in Washington D.C
In Rabia Al-Adwiyya, there were initial reports of death of two hundred peaceful ikhwani protestors, but soon these figures started soaring, at the end of the fateful day over two thousand innocent lives were lost with fifteen thousand wounded. The death toll is still on the rise & the figures on ground way surpass the ‘official’ figures being told to the media.
Above three hundred women and children were burnt alive in their camps. The sheer brutality displayed by seculars and the Egyptian army is simply unbelievable. Every single secular Egyptian, who is paid to sit in Tahrir Square, has his/her hands drenched in the blood of the martyrs of Rabia Al-Adwiyyah.
Ahmad Taha, Aljazeera news anchor rightfully commented on the hypocrisy of liberals, saying: ‘You’ve asked the Islamists to let the ballots decide, and so they did. Then you said that ballots have no legitimacy, legitimacy is to the people and to streets, thus they gathered in the streets in large numbers. Now you say: break the sit-in and go back home?! What shall the Islamists do? Leave their countries for your sake?’
Is there any rational answer to this? Surely not! Noam Chomsky in his interview to Egypt Independent commented on America’s endless claims for her undying love for democracy: ‘Abroad, it is well-established in mainstream scholarship that the US has supported democracy if and only if it conforms to strategic and economic interests, and there isn’t the slightest evidence that these understandable, if deplorable, commitments have changed.’
When he was asked about official condemnation of military’s brutality and pledges for democracy, he simply replied that it was just a rhetorical commitment for all good things including democracy and this ‘practice fully accords with the traditional doctrines’. When he was further asked what he meant by the ‘traditional doctrines’ he replied: ‘When a favored dictator is endangered, as happens over and over, Washington follows a fairly straightforward procedure: Support him as long as possible. If it is no longer possible, for example, if the army turns against him, then issue ringing declarations about our yearning for democracy and then work hard to keep the former system of domination and control in place, as much as possible.’
This is the reality of United States’ unconditional love for democracy and human rights. This is very similar to what Ayman Al-Zawahiri, in his recent statement on Egypt’s crisis, rightfully titled ‘Sanam-ul-Ajwah’; the date-deity. It’s said that in pagan era, Arab bedouins used to make idols of their deities from dates in order to worship them. But whenever they felt hungry, they never hesitated to eat up their own gods. So is the case with West. It has made idols of democracy and human rights that are worshiped 24/7. But when pangs of imperial hungers become unbearable, the deity is torn apart to fill the imperial belly.
Today the main mosque of Rabia that witnessed scores of worshippers and was echoed by congregational prayers a few days ago has been burnt down to ashes. Rabia Al-Adwiyyah is flooded with the blood of innocent women and children killed to protect Zionist interests in Middle East. Their bodies are being incinerated to hide the evidence of heinous crimes committed on behalf of American government. Their blood would not go in vain for Allah s.w.t says:
Mighty indeed were the plots which they made, but their plots were (well) within the sight of Allah, even though they were such as to shake the hills! Never think that Allah would fail his apostles in His promise: for Allah is Exalted in power, – the Lord of Retribution. One day the earth will be changed to a different earth, and so will be the heavens, and (men) will be marshaled forth, before Allah, the One, the Irresistible; And thou wilt see the sinners that day bound together in fetters; Their garments of liquid pitch, and their faces covered with Fire; That Allah may requite each soul according to its deserts; and verily Allah is swift in calling to account. (Ibrahim: 46-51)
For every finger on the trigger, for every voice calling against the calls for Shariah, for every Sisi killing the innocents, for every taghoot and for every transgressor, this is what awaits you! Surely Allah is Swift in calling to account! Surely Allah is Swift in calling to account!

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