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Friday 16 August 2013

Wake Up Muslims (Stop Killing Muslims in Palestine, Burma,Kashmir Evewhere)

By : Khanzada Shahzeb
Strongly condemn killing of innocent Muslims in Burma,Kashmir, Philistine ,Chechnya,Iraq,Afghanistan, Waziristan (drones attach) etc.Its the time when media should understand there responsibility and show the truth but sadly they aren't playing their roll honestly. We Urge UN & all the MUSLIM WORLD to take its notice likewise UN & USA take simultaneous actions when any such incident happens in West. If the word " TERRORISM " needs to be defined correctly then one should refer to Burma,Kashmir, Philistine ,Chechnya,Iraq,Afghanistan, Waziristan (drones attach) and many more. STOP KILLING INNOCENTS. This is truly Injustice.

Wake Up Muslims (Stop Killing Muslims in Palestine, Burma,Kashmir Evewhere)

Burma a sad brutal story of inhuman activities, Recently Obama pays visits to the Burma with speaking a word for the inhuman brutality over the Muslim despite talks about the mutual interests. WHAT A SHAME !

Indian has broken all the record of inhuman activities in Kashmir. Rape which a common word in India is the food for the Indian soldiers in Kashmir. Human Right is sleeping in Kashmir but is fully awaken for West because the we are not the West but the Rest !

Palestine a never ending brutality by a combined operational strategical force of a Gangster of America, unacceptable state,Israel. Wonder what only a nuclear attack is left to occur in Palestine as the Zionist have tried everything to shut their voice for freedom. The War will Continue till the Great Unstoppable Muslim force will rise from the Khyber Pakistan for Gazw-e-Hind and war with the Zionist,unless the justice is spread in Palestine..

Muslims will rise again. We can and We will.. INSHA ALLAH

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