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Saturday 31 August 2013

A true story of hope and wish

A true story of HOPE and WISH

 I will tell you guys story of my two sons who are born and living outside of Pakistan, but love Pakistan so much. All of My kids ( I have 3) and especially my older one who is 10 years old (Hamza), takes so much interest in Pakistani politics and can’t wait for Imran Khan to be the next prime minister of Pakistan.
My 8 years old (Ali) had a loose tooth for many days and it was wiggling now and Hamza wanted him to pull that out and was trying to convince Ali, but Ali was not ready on any cost. He did not want anyone to come near him and touch his tooth. Then Hamza came up with a really cool idea. He told Ali; just think that your mouth is Pakistan and loose tooth in your mouth is Zardari and new tooth growing under that is Imran Khan, just pull that corrupt Zardari and throw him out of Pakistan so the Imran Khan can grow. Ali liked this idea and start playing with his loose tooth and that afternoon when he came home from school he had his tooth in an envelope and was so happy and he told everyone look Zardari is no more and Imran khan is shining there. I was so surprised as well as emotional after hearing that. These are my kids who are born outside the Pakistan and still worried about it.
After visiting Pakistan last year my kids were not so happy to see lots of things that can be change. They started raising the question on Pakistani government and now they want Imran khan to be next PM of Pakistan more than us. Whenever I say that I hope or I pray for Imran khan to come in power he always says, “Don’t say pray or hope, just say he will, no ifs and buts” and I think he will InshAllah.
I am pretty sure that Imran khan and PTI has brought the change in the country that will make a naya Pakistan after coming elections. God has given us one last chance to move forward to the betterment of Pakistan, to give a better future to our children, and to make Pakistan a dream land that we always dreamt of. I can’t wait for Pakistan to be a country where no one can tell us what to do and we can shout proudly that yes I am a Pakistani and I am proud of it. That is going to happen really soon. In sha Allah.
By: Sobia Saeed

THE POLITICAL-MILITARY CONTEXT By Brigadier (R) Samson Simon Sharaf Central Secretary Defence PTI

Pakistan’s policy making over the past 65 years is influenced by Pakistan’s security concerns emanating from a hostile neighborhood. There are many reasons why security perspectives eclipsed socio-economic considerations thereby holding the country hostage to elites. Amongst them is lack of credible second tier political leadership post 1949, linkages between the residual political elites, bureaucracy and military high command and facilitation of a corporatocracy during the decade of progress. This elitist and exclusive culture deprived space for the evolution of a broad based popular and sustainable political order. A coterie of few held the entire nation hostage.
In the past five years the question of civilian supremacy over military attracted the liberal circles. Unfortunately, pot shots by illiterate commentators and a trending media relegated the entire discourse to acrimonious debates riding airwaves. Memogate is an example in which a peevish effort to garner US support to checkmate the army became public.
A realistic, balanced and mature approach to civil-military relations holds far more promise for the military corporate culture, exclusivism and professionalism than over indulgence in matters that are not its fortes. This is what all developed countries have achieved. South Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, Turkey, Chile, Argentina and Mexico have grown to become world’s top economies after militaries have been successfully confined to their professional duties. This was not a result of one overawing the other; but because all parties had agreed to a common national agenda.  
Rather than the civil-military context, it is the political-military relationship that is vulnerable to this encroachment. Consequently, both have suffered. It is time that the military cedes space for a broad based national security that hedges Pakistan from all forms of threats that include military, economic, cultural, globalization, transnationalism, political economy and non-state actors that include militants, parallel systems that challenge writ of the state, NGOs, banks, media, hostile intelligence, separatists, sub nationalists and fifth columnists (in other words military definition of sub conventional threats). Pakistan’s repeated economic capitulation and susceptibility to hidden forms of coercion and subversion have had far worse effects than wars with India.
It is also important to understand that all political-military concords emanate from the national policy which is a product of its national power reflecting its calculable (tangible) and incalculable (Intangible like national character and morale) potential. Like a rainbow, the spectrum of this policy is well spread and diverse. Military in tandem with others is just one instrument of policy to achieve multiple objectives. In this agglomeration, the military enjoys its space on the horizontal spread and below the narrowing pinnacle of vertical national control. Hence the entire military system, military strategy and its operations remain subservient to political directives enunciating policy. National policy and national security policy thereof fall in the domain of political control while the operational strategy and service doctrines remain the fortes of the armed forces.
In Pakistan, for far too long, the ineffectiveness of the Defense Committee of the Cabinet (DCC) and inability of politicians to enunciate a National Security Policy left a wide vacant space that the military occupied under exigency. In any case, the committee of national defense and security (CDNS), national security council or DCC cannot function effectively without an enabling and productive mechanism. Conversely, the civilians and politicians cannot fill this void till such time they build their capacities through education, inputs from research and academic institutions, study of military sociology and evolution of a common strategic language. Qaid e Azam University and Institute of Strategic Studies were steps in this direction but are since diluted with the rise of military led National Defense University and Institute of Peace Studies (NUST). Till such time civilians do not assume effective control of institutions related to the highest level of national security, a proper transition and balance in civil-military relations and political-military control will never be possible.
So far the lynchpin of Pakistan’s national policy has been security against external threats. Over the past ten years, the diverse shades of internal threats have emerged. Armed forces and law enforcement agencies are not organised to fight this diversity. The entire policy spectrum needs to be geared towards thwarting these threats. National Security Policy does not cater for military threats alone but also economic security, governance and socio-economic emancipation of people. This means a paradigm shift from a militarily strong to a credible, economically prosperous, internally cohesive Pakistan with a defensive nuclear and conventional deterrence. This also means that within the ambit of its duties in Aid of Civil Power military employment does not mean intervention.
Geography with its relatively stable platform forms the base of this paradigm shift supported by a sustainable, value added export oriented growth and documentation. Pakistan through its own resources has the capability to jump start its economy through agriculture, energy production and employment of armed forces in national development.
Pakistan’s research in this challenging area lacks incisiveness. Papers produced by military institutions are corporate in nature due to obvious deficiencies in geography, economics, sociology and ethnology. Various commentators, some political parties and the Senate Committees have tried to define or evade the subject differently in bits and pieces.  The most explicit enunciation of what is to be done comes from a policy paper written by the scribe for Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf:
“National Security Policy comprises a comprehensive set of national policies and new structures that will address the interconnected challenges to deploy and integrate all elements of national power to create a sustainable environment of broad spectrum security. The welfare of people will be a force multiplier at the heart to synergise the people and seize the endless possibilities offered by a world in which only the economically strong and intellectually innovative nations will emerge as the most secure, prosperous and respected”.
If this is indeed the challenge, the reinvention of a National Security Council will once again be a wolf in new cloths. It is tantamount to not holding the bull by the horns. ‘Neither here nor there’ without a well enunciated policy will lead nowhere.
The writer is Secretary Defence, Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf and a political economist. Email/twitter:

Shattered Dreams but lets start from KPK


Heads are down and dreams are shattered – PML-N as a matter of fact swept Punjab but was this 
only because of the ‘massive rigging’ – certainly not but yes PTI could have won more seats both in Punjab and Karachi had this ‘good for nothing’ EC be able to manage these elections efficiently. So where did PTI go wrong? A lot has already been said on this but I think PTI took a long time on the intra-party elections whereas PML-N at that time was busy in forming alliances and accepting people from other parties. Imran Khan himself admitted this many times that conducting elections in the party was a tedious task and all the party workers and leadership were busy which had an impact on PTI’s election campaign and its overall ratings in the surveys.

            One has to appreciate the concept of the Intra-party elections as PTI created history by holding the genuine elections within in itself but the timing was not right. PTI should either have conducted the intra-party elections long time ago or should have tried to wrap-up as earlier as possible. The process of awarding party tickets was another mess – some of the ticket holders could not even qualify PTI’s own ‘change’ symbol. PTI had to compromise here because it had no other option – you need strong candidates to do well in the elections and in a country like Pakistan, where corruption is common, the reputation of such ‘strong candidates’ has generally been poor. PTI leadership needs to work on this and make sure next time tickets are awarded to the people with good reputation and clean record. Although it is true majority of the tickets were given to the new and young people as Imran Khan wanted people to vote for the ideology/party rather than the candidates but did this strategy work? Can you expect these young and new people to fight against the ugly mafia of these electables? As a matter of fact PTI had to depend on these electables and this is the ugly face of our political system, something Mr. Tahir-ul-Qadri has been saying for a long time. You need to groom the party workers, train them, invest in them and develop leadership qualities in them so that you do not face this dilemma again next time. There is famous saying of Vince Lombardi, Leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard effort, which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile’.

            The biggest credit that goes to PTI is the mobilization of the youth – Pakistani youth was always hesitant to the politics and most of the people would rather get up late on elections days and spend time watching movies and hanging out with friends. This time it was different – we witnessed thousands of young people attending PTI’s protests and public gatherings and then coming out and voting for the ‘change’. I know many of the overseas Pakistanis who came just to vote for PTI – some of them even left their jobs, some had to buy expensive tickets but everyone had a dream of building the Naya Pakistan.

         PTI is all set to form the government in the KPK with the support of JI and few independent candidates. Would this be easy – no in fact this would be the huge challenge for PTI and this could go either way – PTI has a great chance to bring peace and prosperity in the troublesome KPK and set the highest standards of good governance and this would be the first step towards the ‘Naya Pakistan’. On the other hand this could also be the ‘suicidal mistake’ of forming the government in KPK if it does not have the required potential because it’s completely a different ball game once you are in the power. So what’s the best deal for PTI? Certainly it should form the government in KPK and prove its worth. Imran Khan made lots of promises during PTI’s election campaign and now its time to deliver. I wish Mr. Khan and his team best of luck.
 By: Hassaan Saad Tariq

       'What One Man did for an Entire 

Today is a historical day for the nation of Pakistan. Today I

feel proud to be a Pakistani. All of this due to a single man: Imran Khan. Today I feel proud to call him my leader and to share his love and passion for this country. It’s clear that PTI has swept in KPK , But in reality IK has accomplished what he set out to do. He won the hearts and love of millions. He woke us all up from this apathy that we 
had fallen into. He made us realize that the power to change is in our hands. He made each one of us responsible for the plight of this country. He delegated the power to the 
common man. He made us dream – dream of a Naya Pakistan where there 
is rule of law, good governance, freedom to live in peace; where the rights of every individual are safeguarded; where there are no corrupt leaders or if there are, they can be 
brought to justice; where for once we could believe that our leaders are sincere in serving this nation. where we are not daunted by any outside influence; where the interests of 
Pakistanis come first; where every child born is not already in debt; where education and health are accessible to all and not only to the rich. Maybe this dream has not been realized today but now that the thirst is there, it will be difficult to quench it. We will 
wait for this dream to be realized even if we have to wait for the next fifty years. In the meantime, we can start changing ourselves, realize our power and use it to protect this nation. The ruling government is accountable to us. Quwwat-ē-ukḫuwwat-ē-awām (Might of the brotherhood)To all those waking up early to vote; to all those waiting for 
hours in the heat to cast their vote; to those who faced aggression and stood their ground; to the people of Karachi and Hyderabad voting for PTI and the difficulties they faced: 
To Imran Khan, I love and respect you. I realized your importance in my life when you had that fall. You have made your home in everyone's hearts. I pray for your health, long 
life and success every day. And this love is the manifestation of the love that I have for this country. Thank you for making me realize what this country means to me.May Allah bless this country and its people.
Pakistan Zindabad!

By Hina Imran


Seeing you fall, the nation’s heart stood still. Eyes filled with horror at the shocking sight began to stream with avalanche of tears that held a bleeding country’s deepest fears. In that one moment countless people felt that you and you alone can save this land that has become a killing field whose leaders have sucked its life-blood to enrich themselves while millions suffer in the throes of woes unspeakable, unbearable, with no light, no hope that they will ever have the right to live like human beings not trapped in endless night.

For seventeen long years you’ve given your all, each ounce of energy that you have had to build a movement that would make this land what it was meant to be – the Pakistan envisioned by Iqbal, created by the Quaid. You gave up your earthly ease to live a life of ceaseless toil and trouble, so that your people may be free from bondage to anything but God. You chose to carry the bitter cross of separation from your children –Sulaiman and Kasim – whom you love more than your life, so that the children of  Pakistan may rise to claim a place of dignity and honour in the world.

In what words should I salute your spirit, and tell you what you mean to those who’ve seen how you have gone from place to place to place, exhausted but unvanquished by the struggle to reach as many people as you could? You looked so gaunt, your face bearing the marks of endless work and countless sleepless nights. But with each passing day your voice grew stronger, your passion more intense, your eyes still brighter.

Those whom God chooses for a special task are tried and tested in heart-breaking ways. You have been sorely tried in every manner, but your strong faith in God and your brave heart filled with the courage of conviction and your deep compassion for the ones who suffer makes you invincible.

May I salute you and your worthy parents in the name of every Pakistani here or anywhere, for being a hero who will forever live in hearts and minds and spirits? You fell and hurt your body but you’ve lifted our country’s head as none did since its birth- How very proud of you must be the two you cherish - Iqbal and Quaid - who can now rest peacefully in their abodes in heaven knowing that you will build “Naya Pakistan” and lead a faithful, youthful nation to its finest hour.

May God watch over you and keep you safe and strong. More millions pray for you today than can be reckoned. You have won the war and none can stop your onward march to make Pakistan a model Muslim state which the whole world will emulate with joy and pride.

   By Dr Riffat Hassan 

Monday 26 August 2013

Protests Against Allege Ringing in By-Elections (Photo file)

If Police Can't Stop Rigging In Elections, Then Why They are

Stopping us from our legal right to strike against injustice ?

Shame On Govt. Shame On Punjab Police for their Brutal Act On PTI

and ISF Workers In Lahore
. Every Citizen of Pakistan has right to protest

 against injustice.

PhD schoolteachers to be consulted on education reforms

PESHAWAR, Aug 25: The elementary and secondary education (E&SE) department has decided to utilize the expertise and skills of PhD schoolteachers in bringing reforms in the education sector in the province, according to officials.
“We will invite the PhD teachers of different subjects to give their input in the education reforms,” Qaisar Alam Khan, additional secretary of the department, told Dawn on Sunday.
He said that E&SE Secretary Joudat Ayaz directed the department to collect data of all the PhD teachers, serving in schools, he said. The data of all teachers, who had received academic and administrative training in the developed countries, would also be compiled for seeking their opinion on different issues, he added.
Sources in the education department said that currently the department couldn't be benefited from the experience and expertise of PhDs and the teachers, who had foreign training, at board level as they were not involved in the formulation of education policies to utilise their skills. They said that education department had no data of such teachers.
After being ignored by the government, the PhDs and teachers having foreign training were eyeing private universities for getting part time job, a PhD scholar told this scribe.
“Sometime they also switch over to the government colleges and universities for getting high salaries and other financial benefits,” he added.
The scholar said that there were no incentives like promotion and increase in monthly salaries for teachers to get a PhD degree. He said that Punjab government was giving an increment of Rs50,000 to teachers for having PhD degree.
He said that PhD teachers should be appointed in the key institutions of the education department including Provincial Institute of Teachers Education, Regional Institute of Teacher Education, all boards of intermediate and secondary education and Directorate of Curricula and Teacher Education.
The students across the province would benefit from those highly qualified and skilled teachers if they were appointed in those institutions, he said.
He said that PhD teachers could play an important role if they were posted in the training institutions, however, most of the people working on different positions were incompetent and irrelevant.
He suggested that government should utilize their capabilities and skills in different subjects that would encourage more teachers to get PhD degree.
Qaiser Alam said that the process of data compilation of PhDs and teachers having foreign training would be completed within a month.
He said that a directory would be made of such teachers with their pictures, full addresses and cellular phone numbers to contact them anytime when needed.
“Including the opinion of such teachers in the education reform is actually acknowledgment of their services,” the official said.

Fumigation drive in Swat from today to curb dengue

MINGORA, Aug 25: Keeping in view the increasing number of dengue patients in Swat, the authorities have decided to launch a fumigation drive in the district from Monday (today).
Provincial Health Secretary Dr Fakhar Alam, who visited the district on Sunday, directed the deputy commissioner and district health officer to take preventive measures against dengue.
He said that health department would provide three more vehicles mounted with fumigation machines to the district administration to start the drive from Monday.
The health secretary also visited Saidu Sharif hospital and enquired after the health of dengue patients.
The patients informed him about the shortage of beds, non-availability of electricity and cleanliness situation at the hospital.
The secretary directed the hospital administration to resolve all the problems faced by the patients.
He said that provincial government would provide necessary assistance to the hospital administration.
Meanwhile, the number of dengue patients in the district reached to 250 as several more were tested positive for the mosquito-borne disease here on Sunday.
The dengue patients also included 45 women, Dr Taj Mohammad Khan, the chief executive of Saidu Group of Teaching Hospitals, told Dawn.
He said that at least 80 patients were discharged from the hospital after completion of their treatment.
The residents of different areas of the district were visiting Saidu Sharif hospital in a large number to test themselves for dengue since the outbreak of the disease in Swat, said hospital sources.
“We received hundreds of fever patients yesterday an out of them 50 more tested positive for dengue,” said Ijaz, an official at the hospital. He said that keeping in view increase in the number of dengue positive cases, the hospital administration had specified Medical-A Ward for dengue patients while Medical-B Ward had already been declared as dengue emergency unit.
Mr Ijaz said that they had enough medicines and kits for screening test of dengue patients.
The patients, who were kept in open and at the corridor of Medical-B Ward, were shifted on Sunday to Medical-A Ward, said an official. He added that they had resolved the problem of shortage of beds at the hospital.
Meanwhile, Peshawar Commissioner Sahibzada Anees has ordered the teaching hospitals to designate beds for suspected patients and make sure that all drugs required by dengue affected patients be provided free of cost.
He asked doctors to remain vigilant to diagnose the suspected patients and provide them with prompt treatment.
Officials at the directorate of health told Dawn that they had issued instructions to all the health facilities to pay attention to the suspected patients of dengue.
“We have trained staff in all teaching hospitals that can collect sample from the patients to diagnose them,” they said.
The officials said that patients were curable but required isolation.
“We have also issued guidelines to the hospitals about the protocol of dealing with dengue patients,” they added.

Kalam visit: Empowering people is real change, says Imran Khan


KALAM: Real change can come only when the people are empowered and take their own decisions rather than following dictations, said Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan on Monday.
Imran was speaking at a rally in Kalam.
The PTI chief – who arrived in the area today – was briefed about the restoration of two dysfunctional power stations.
The Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) government had handed over the power stations – which were closed down in the past – to the non-governmental organisation (NGO) Sarhad Rural Support Programme (SRSP).
Imran, who was flanked by K-P Chief Minister Pervaiz Khattak and other party members, said the PTI-led government in the province is introducing laws that will bring big changes in the official setup.
Stating that the laws will give more power to the people, the PTI chief said united and empowered people can change the fate of the country.
“Our aim is to give local people the authority and control over the resources,” Imran said, adding that decisions for an area should be taken by the elected leaders of the place rather than from “distant leadership in Peshawar.”

Imran Khan hopeful of Naya Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa 

ECP takes notice of PTI PP-150 rigging protest

ISLAMABAD: The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has taken notice of the protest of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) against rigging during the by-election in PP-150.
The ECP has decided to hear the PTI’s petition seeking a recount in PP-150 and summoned all candidates who contested for the seat on August 28.
The PTI continues its protest against alleged rigging and party leaders and workers are staging a sit-in outside the Punjab Assembly. According to reports, PTI workers assaulted members of the press during the protest.

On Saturday, several party leaders and workers had been arrested during a police crackdown on their protest camp on Mall Road. The police claimed protests could not be held in the area due to the imposition of Section 144. Later, those arrested were released and they continued their protest on Mall Road. The protest ended when party leadership decided to continue it from Monday.

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf statement on Indian LOC violation

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf
 strongly condemn violation of LOC by Indian army and killing Pak soldiers and citizens. We back Pak Army for the counter attack and shutting indian's guns. I urge Indian to behave sensibly else PAKISTANI Nation is united to take any step for protecting our Mother land. We have earn Pakistan in 1947 by giving millions of sacrifices and we are unchanged & more determined than ever to sacrifice ourselves again. Better to control yourself else Pakistan Army can control you. We want Peace
We want to share brotherhood
We are peaceful as long as you let us to live peacefully, else we are not your on back foot. If you attack us so keep in mind that our Counter attack will decide your faith to live on this earth or not INSHA ALLAH. If you start the War so make sure that We will end it. 
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf has clear policy based on the equality. Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf believe there should be no compromise on Kashmir issue.

Sunday 25 August 2013

Higher education reforms: Working groups propose clipping powers of vice chancellors

PESHAWAR: Working groups are mulling over reforms in higher education, including amending the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) Universities Act, 2012 and curbing the powers of vice chancellors. The proposals are to be finalised this week.
Officials privy to the matter said suggestions under discussion include evaluating and monitoring the performance of vice chancellors, restructuring the Higher Education Department (HED) and dissolving the basic pay scale (BPS) system.
“Dozens of suggestions have been forwarded by educationists and copies of the suggested reforms have been handed over to University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Vice Chancellor Imtiaz Gillani and HED Secretary Farah Hamid,” said one official requesting anonymity.
A working group member told The Express Tribune experts stressed on starting the evaluation and monitoring of VCs immediately since they are political appointees. “Once the VC’s tenure ends, they leave without being bothered about their performance,” he added.
“The VC appoints people on grades 1 to 21 and makes the authorities happy by recruiting their men. We need to clamp down on their powers,” maintained the working group member. “Once the appointing authority is satisfied, they reward the VC by giving him an extension,” he alleged.
He claimed several VCs were held for plagiarism, corruption and mismanagement, but could not be questioned because they had strong ‘supporters.’ “This practice is no more acceptable and the appointment and extension of a VC will now depend on his performance.”
Advisor to K-P Assembly speaker and working group member, Abbas Khan was also critical of VCs. “You can replace a governor and a chief minister, but you can’t even think about replacing a vice chancellor,” he claimed.
Khan said the BPS system will also be done away with, adding this will help recruit people based on merit, not political affiliations. “The Universities Act, 2012 needs immediate amendments. Unless this happens, hurdles in providing quality education to students cannot be removed,” he said.
The working groups met over three days starting August 19 and were broken down into three sub-groups with 11 members. The initiative was taken on the directives of the K-P government. The meetings were also attended by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf’s Central Vice President Shibli Faraz, Chief Financial Officer Siraj Ahmad Khan and information technology expert Shair Ali Arbab.

Borrowed defence: K-P to procure arms via loans to secure prisons

Borrowed defense: K-P to procure arms via loans to secure prisons

“We don’t want any another incident as we have been receiving agencies’ reports on possible attacks on prisons,” said an official. The provincial interior ministry will not wait for ADP, he added. 

PESHAWAR: The Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) government has yet to provide foolproof security at provincial prisons in the wake of the July 29 jailbreak in DI Khan and threats from militants to several other jails. A lack of funds seems to be the primary reason behind the continuing lapse.
Limited finance is why the prison department has still not improved jail security, officials shared with The Express Tribune. The dilemma made all the more obvious by the provincial interior ministry directives to the Provincial Police Officer (PPO) to procure arms and ammunition “immediately”, on the back of loans.
The instructions were given when the K-P Home and Tribal Affairs Department realised waiting for the Annual Development Programme (ADP) funds would only further delay the arms procurement, said officials from the home department wishing to remain anonymous. The department would not want to take such a risk in the face of serious threats to prison security and overarching issues in law and order in the province, they added.
Security was heightened just after the DI Khan prison incident. However, a shortage of arms and ammunition remains the main hurdle in strengthening defence, those familiar with the matter added. And it needs to be overcome to make sure the unfortunate incident is not repeated in future. The July 29 security meltdown took place despite enhancing prison protective measures after the Bannu jail breach in 2012.
“We don’t want any another incident as we have been receiving agencies’ reports on possible attacks on prisons,” said an official. The provincial interior ministry will not wait for ADP, he added.
When contacted, K-P Home and Tribal Affairs Department Spokesperson Qamar Ali confirmed the department has written to the PPO to procure the necessary arms and ammunition immediately.
The PPO has been directed to ensure the required items are supplied immediately so prisons in K-P can be secured. Ali also confirmed all district police officers have been kept abreast of these developments.
While the DI Khan Central Jail breach is still being investigated, the government has beefed up security at all provincial prisons. The army was deployed at Central Prison Peshawar soon after.
At least 243 prisoners escaped on July 29 when militants stormed the jail with mortars and grenades. Twelve people including policemen were killed and many more were injured.
In April 2012, nearly 400 prisoners, including Adnan Rashid who was allegedly involved in a plot to assassinate former military ruler Pervez Musharraf, were freed when militants attacked the central jail in Bannu.
Published in The Express Tribune, August 25th, 2013.

PTI: KP Home Department to publish info about departments online.

PTI: 9 ANP activists arrested for aerial firing. Arms recovered.

PTI: CM KPK answers questions of DI Khan inquiry acc to Terms of Ref.

JUI-F Exposed.This is how Election was conducted in Balochistan

JUI-F Exposed.This is how Election was conducted in Balochistan. Most parties won

elections like this in May 2013 elections. How can you win from such parties being fair?

خیبرپختونخوا میں تعلیم کی بہتری کیلئے ایک مثبت قدم

Chairman Imran Khan in Sawal Yeh Hai - 25th August 2013

Saturday 24 August 2013

#KPKUpdates #PTI : Revolutionary Step By Ministry of Education ,KPK.

Report :

Revolutionary Step By Ministry of Education ,KPK.

GSM Based Biometrics Attendance Monitoring System Introduced In
Elementary & Secondary Education Department of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on Directions of Education Minister Atif Khan.
Attendance of Headmasters and teachers could be monitored through this system in remote areas.

#KPUpdates #PTI: Swift justice: Local reconciliation committee helps police solve petty disputes

The Mingora Musalihat (reconciliation) Committee has resolved 695 cases during the last one year, said the committee’s members on Wednesday.
In a meeting chaired by Swat District Police Officer (DPO) Sher Akbar Khan at Mingora police station, members of the Musalihat Committee said the role of such committees is of great importance because they help reduce the burden on police and courts.
“We have successfully resolved 695 cases regarding various civil, criminal and family issues. In some major disputes, we have even managed to get the quarrelling parties to sit together and resolve their grudges with the help of consultations,” said Mingora Musalihat Committee Chairman Mohammad Zubair. “We aim to rid our society of crimes and to help law enforcement agencies ensure peace in our valley,” he added.
DPO Khan said the respective committees were working in accordance with Pukhtun traditions as a jirga has multiple benefits for society. “We believe there are close ties between police and elders. They (elders) not only assist us in resolving issues but also keep us informed of any trouble that might be brewing in the area,” he said.
The official maintained elders bring criminal activities to the notice of the police following which prompt action is taken against the culprits. “We are in regular contact with the committee members and ensure they have adequate security if they ever feel threatened. Our complete support and cooperation is with them,” the DPO said.
A member of the Mingora Musalihat Committee, Bakht Taj said resolving disputes among people in such a manner is a step to providing free and fair justice to communities. “This is a good platform to provide prompt justice free of cost. There is no need for people to go to courts and hire lawyers who charge a hefty fee when conflicts can be resolved by mutual consultations locally.”
The meeting was attended by a large number of civil society members, elders of the area and policemen.
Published in The Express Tribune, August 22nd, 2013.

#KPUpdates #PTI: CM KPK and his protocol. Setting an example.

#KPUpdates #PTI: CM KPK and his protocol. Setting an example. This is how a CM should behave because CM is selected from the people by the people to serve the people and this is his job to serve like the people not like a KING !! KP government setting the standards of simplicity,equality and true leadership. 

Faisalabad k Nujawan ki Pukar Pakistan ki Pukar

میرے شہر کے لوگو !! بغاوت کیوں نہیں کرتے ؟؟

فیصل آباد کی سرزمین نے ایسے ایسے با کمال انسان پیدا کیے جنہوں نے اپنی لازوال قابلیت سے پوری دنیا کو حیران کر کے رکھ دیا_ خدارا میرا شمار ان بے شعور لوگوں میں نہ کیا جائے جو انہی لوگوں کو بار بار اقتدار میں لاتے ہیں جن کی بدمعاشیوں کا ذکر بھی سربازار کرتے پھرتے ہیں_
اس شہر سے تعلق رکھنے والوں نے ہر میدان چاہے وہ مذہب ہو یا فلاح، کھیل ہو یا آرٹ، موسیقی ہو یا اداکاری، سیاست ہو یا خدمت گویا کہ دنیا کے کونے کونے میں پاکستان کا نام روشن کیا ہے_ 
کون واقف نہیں ہے جناب “صوفی برکت علی“ کی حب الوطنی سے؟ کون نہیں جانتا کہ موسیقی میں پاکستان کا نام روشن کرنے والے “نصرت فتح علی خان“ کون تھے؟ میں کیوں فخر نہ کروں “فرخ حبیب جیسے سچے پاکستانی پر کہ جس نے پاکستان کے لیے اپنے کیریئر تک کی قربانی دے دی؟ کرکٹ میں کس طرح “سعید اجمل“ نے اپنی اسپن بولنگ کا جادو جگایا؟ کیا ورلڈ سنوکر چیمئن “محمد آصف“ نے ہر پاکستانی کا سر فخر سے بلند نہیں کیا ؟
اب اگر میرے شہرکے کچھ مفاد پرست اور بے شعور لوگوں کا انتخاب “رانا ثناءاللہ“ جیسا غنڈہ ، “طاہرجمیل“ جیسا محلےکا چور، قبضہ مافیا بدتمیز“عابد شیرعلی“ ، گیس و ٹیکس چور “عاصم نذیر“، جعلی ڈگری ہولڈر “خواجہ اسلام“ ، “جگا“ ٹیکس خور بدمعاش “شعیب ادریس“ اور سرعام ننگی گالیاں نکالنے والا “میاں منان“ ہے
تو اسی شہر کے ان تمام عظیم شہریوں کو کیسے بھولایا جا سکتا ہے جنہوں نے حکومتی دبائو اور جھوٹے مقدموں کو برداشت کر کے شوکت خانم ہسپتال ، پکار فائؤنڈیشن سے لےکرعافیہ صدیقی دستخطی مہم، عدلیہ تحریک ، ہوم موومنٹ اور ہر طرح کی سیاسی سرگرمیوں تک عمران خان کا ممکن ساتھ دیا ہے_
آخر میں، میں فیصل آباد کے کالجز اور یونیورسٹیز سے تعلق رکھنے والے تمام اپنے جیسے نوجوانوں کو پیغام دینا چاہتا ہوں کہ اگر ہم نے اگلی لکھی نسل کے مستقبل کو کھڑریانوالہ کی ملز میں مذدوریاں کرنے اور نوکری نہ ملنی پر دلبرداشتہ ہو کر منشیات فروشی اور ڈکیتی جیسے جرائم کی طرف مائل ہونے سے بچانا ہے تو اسی طرح عمران خان کا پیغام لوگوں تک پہنچاتے رہنا ہوگا_ انشاءاللہ منزل دور نہیں۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ ( حنین خالد )

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